Spring Clean

Spring Clean

It’s spring time – which normally means longer days, sunshine, flowers – and spring cleaning. If you’re not that keen on doing the cleaning but like things being clean it is best to prevent dirt & dust! Just follow the following time-saving spring cleaning tips..

First read tips No1-No5

6, Storage and shelves 

The best way to avoid cleaning is to put your stuff into wardrobes and cabinets. Everything. Well, almost everything. Do not use open shelves. You can utilise the longest walls in your house and build fitted floor-to-ceiling cabinets or utilise some ready-made ones. Even in the bathroom – put things into a cabinet rather than onto shelves.

7, Ornaments 

Let’s face it, they just collect dust. Put them away or into a glass cabinets. Have a few carefully selected pictures and objects on display, perhaps some seasonal lights, mobiles or plants. Use these as decorative furnishing. Keep books in cabinets.

8, Decoration

Always use wipeable-paint on your walls. Unless you live in a cottage, don’t use matt or chalky paint – it’s a pain to clean. Use easy materials in your kitchen – such as stainless steel, glass and granite. Note:sandstone, rubber, wood etc need to be resealed yearly…

9, Stuff 

Spring-clean your life not just your house. Chuck out old clothes, creams & cosmetics, food and magazines… Organise your bills and papers. Even reorganise your files on your computer – delete old & unimportant emails, letters and documents – file the important ones into a systematic folder. When you’re done … just cleanse all your rooms with some aromatic candles.

10, Last tip

Take your shoes off when you come home. Not only does it feel better to walk around without shoes, but you won’t bring in the dirt from outside. Ask your guests to do the same, perhaps provide them with some gorgeous slippers and they won’t mind (I’ve had people taking exception to being asked to remove their shoes…apparently they were not dirty… well, they were missing the point really: did they flout above the ground to get here???).

In our DIY Tips section you can find lost of Home Maintenance Tips!

Happy Spring Cleaning!

© DIY Together 2005 – This article must not be reproduced without the consent of the author


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